It is a tough task to sum up a journey of Fourty-Four Years into a few lines. To state it simple, it has been a wonderful pathway; an extremely learning experience filled with memories; both pleasant and somber. We began in 1957, making a humble start in a quest with one motto; to bring the traits of quality and excellence to the reach of our consumers. This mission has stood by our side from day one. And I am glad that this quest continues.
At MRT Industries we believe in business relationships on the basis of trust and partnership. This is the maxim of our creative dialogues with clients, business friends and employees for many years. Satisfied client are our top priority. It is our objective to develop and apply new technologies in order that our clients have a competitive edge. Our client support services and product quality are a result of this strategy.
MRT Industries has grown from a starting fabric manufacturing to an exporter of entire range of fashion and home textile products. A large number of high reputed clients are proof to us that we are on the right track. All employees in MRT Industries are involved in worldwide activities and are facing new challenges daily. We will be happy to help you find a solution for your textile requirements.
What does the future holds? While we do not claim to be foretellers of the unknown, we can however make a safe guess; that with a clear perspective for the longer run, and the dedicated efforts of our team, we can promise to stay true to our goal that stood by our side from the very first day.